Saturday, December 13, 2014

From Emilia Romagna to Toscano - Our journey is nearing it's end.

I have to start by saying that this will not be a long read.  After an eventful, yet peaceful day yesterday, I've decided to combine the end of our journey, with events of yesterday.  When it is all written out, it will make sense.  Until then, I will write a short piece about the interesting village of Monteriggioni, which is in the region of Toscana.

It was a quiet, rainy day in Monteriggio

"As with circling round
Of turrets, Monteriggioni crowns his walls;
E'en thus the shore, encompassing the abyss,
Was turreted with giants, half their length
Uprearing, horrible, whom Jove from heaven
Yet threatens, when his muttering thunder rolls."
_Dante Alighieri, Hell, canto XXXI, lines 40-45
Divine Comedy

Monteriggioni was built by the Sienese in 1214 -1219, for defensive purposes for conflicts between Siena and Firenze.  The walls follow the natural contours of the hill.  There are 14 towers along the wall, that guards used to walk to keep watch on the village.  There are two gates to enter and exit, one - Porta Fiorentina, which faces north to Firenze and the other - Porta Romana, which faces Rome.

Our visit was brief, but a needed break from driving, mostly for Chef, since he was doing the driving.  The rest of us had the great fortune of viewing the scenery.

We pulled into a parking space, and walked into the village through the Porta Romana.  It was very quiet there, eerily quiet.  But that was probably due to the fact that it is low season and rainy.  Just a few people scattered about, while we strolled around for a bit, to locate somewhere we could get a quick snack.  We finally, after making a small circle came across a little bar that sold everything you could possibly need when visiting.  They sold local cheese, salumi, and of course being in Toscana - Chianti Classico.  We settled in for some meat, cheese, and local wine, for a bit of a refueling break.

I think during the Summer months, especially July when the Medieval Festival of Monteriggioni occurs, that it's busy, busy.  The other months, come and enjoy the sights, the views, and the sounds.  Most of all, enjoy the Chianti, because why be in Toscana if you are not going to enjoy the local product, one of the things that this region is really known for.

I leave you now, to venture out to the farmers market, then to the restaurant tonight, for sausage making, and prepping for the next blog.  You can also watch this video I came across on youtube.  I'm not sure whom to give credit to for this, but it simply lays out the village.

Thanks for following!


  1. Certo!!! How could I forget!!! Salame studded with bits of fennel!!! I feel that most people in the US are aware of few types, especially the commercial salame containing peppercorns. If only more were available to a wider market.

  2. You do such great work and blogs I love reading them!
